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上海419花园   高考在即,很多高三考生都十分紧张,与此同时又为高三英语语法而感到头疼。那么你知道高三英语语法怎么复习吗?下面是学习啦小编为你整理的高三英语语法复习方法,希望大家喜欢!


  1. 首先英语教师应该具备丰富的语法理论知识。



  教师要灵活运用教材,在备课的时候多从学生的角度出发,合理安排难度和深度,因人因地宜,做出取舍,进行改编。根据学生的实际接受能力和水平,必要时可补充适当的内容,使其更加符合学生的实际需要。如:在讲解倒装语序时,课本中归纳了9点。尽管比较全面,但我认为可以把倒装分为分成两大板块:全部倒装和部分倒装;然后分别列出有哪些情况需要倒装。其次是可以把课本的第六点和第八点统一归纳为含有否定意义的副词或连词,这样更易于学生记忆。其次,课文中的归纳并没有完整,在平时教学中还应补充。如句型:Not only…but also…, No sooner…than…; Hardly…when…,注意他们的共同点和搭配的不同点,以及他们和Not until 放在句首用倒装的区别.又如 as 引导让步状语时,句型为:表语/状语/动词原形+as+主语+谓语的特殊句式和may表祝愿的句子,一般用全部倒装;若谓语带有情态动词则用部分倒装,如:

上海419花园   1). May you succeed!

上海419花园   2). Long live the people’s Republic of China!



  虽然教材中设计了很多语境和活动,但由于师生能力,办学条件,时间,空间等差别较大,教师必须根据当时教学的实际情况自行设计出切实可行的方案,让语法在生动形象的语言场景中运用起来.既实现了语言的最终目的,也让学生轻松的掌握了语法.如在讲一般现在时,一般过去时,过去进行时,现在进行时这几种时态时,可以编制如下一段话:Now the teacher is telling you a story. Mary studies at NO.6 middle school. She is always ready to help others. One day , while Mary was walking down a street, she saw an old woman crossing the street. She went up to the women and helped her .She sets a good example for us . All of us should learn from her from now on .首先,让学生们在小组内分别把这个故事所发生时间写下来。然后让学生分别写下发生在不同的时间所用的不同的动词。其次,在学生都熟悉以后,以不同的角色,如小组内让一位扮演新闻记者,而其余的同学分别扮演Mary, Mary的同学,the old man等作为被采访的对象,从而引出各种时态的一般疑问句,特殊疑问句及相关的否定形式。.最后,老师先让学生们归纳这几种时态的区别和用法,再以表格的形式呈现。.这样在欢乐的气氛中学会了看似很难的语法.当然,方法不只是编对话一种,不同的语法可以设计不同的方法。


  1)真实性: 语法规则的讲解必须忠实于原文.若要顾及简明性而不得不损及原文时,也必须最大限度地近似。

上海419花园   2)明确性:语法讲解必须做到明确.如英语中will作助动词表将来和be going to ,be about to 的区别.will表纯将来,be going to 表计划,打算的将来.be about to 表示即将.马上发生的事.只有这样明确讲解以后才能让学生一目了然。



  1. --This green coat looks nice on you and it is only 200 Yuan.


上海419花园   A. I'll need it B . I'll take it C. It's much too expensive. D. I'd like to sell it.

上海419花园   2. He left ______any of his friends _____ him _____.

上海419花园   A. with; seeing; off B. without; seeing; off C. without; see; / D. with; see; out

  3. ______ is _____ the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.

  A. What a dictionary does; help B. What dictionary does; to help

上海419花园   C. How a dictionary does; help D. All that a dictionary does; helps

上海419花园   4. The landowners in India would not vote to lose their land and wealth, _____ it resulted ______ a fairer society.

上海419花园   A. even if; in B. even though; of C. as if; in D. whether; of

上海419花园   5. Towards _____ evening, _____ heavy rain began to fall.

上海419花园   A. the; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; /

  6. --Do you have _____ more to get in the market?

  --No, only some bread and butter.

上海419花园   A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

  7. The teacher as well as her students _____ to visit the Moter Company tomorrow.

  A. go B. are to go C. is to go D. is about to go.

  8. The building is _____.

  A. twenty-metre-high B. twenty metre high

  C. twenty-metres-high D. twenty metres high

  9. The book ____ three Yuan, but it only ____ me two Yuan.

  A. spends, take B. costs, spend C. costs, cost D. pays, cost

  10. They are____ the same size. You can take ______ half of the bread.

  A. in, either B. with, either C. in, both D. at, none

  答案:1-10 BBAAB DCDCA


  1._____ useful book is helpful to _____ artist.

上海419花园   A. An,an B. A,a C. A,an D. An,a


上海419花园   2.She likes to play ____ piano, but he likes to play _____ basketball.

  A. the,the B. a,/ C. /,the D. the,/


  3.He often has _____ breakfast at 7:00 in _____ hurry.

  A. a,a B. a,/ C. /,a D. /,/


  4._____ United Kingdom is in _____ Europe.

上海419花园   A. The,/ B. The,the C. /,/ D. /,the

上海419花园   译文:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国在欧洲。

上海419花园   5.The brave old woman seized a thief by _____ hand.

上海419花园   A. a B. the C. / D. some

上海419花园   译文:那位勇敢的老妇人抓住了小偷的手。

  6.By ____ way, when do you plan to go to _____ bed?

上海419花园   A. /,the B. the,/ C. /,/ D. the ,the


  7.Last summer, we spent our holiday by ______ sea. We went there by _____ sea.

  A. the,/ B. the,the C. /,the D. /,/

上海419花园   译文:上个夏天,我们在海边度假,我们是坐船去的。

  8.Comrade Li is _____ chairman of the trade union of our department.

  A. the B. a C. / D. one


上海419花园   9._____ from London to Liverpool!

上海419花园   A. How long there is B. What a long way it is C. What distance is there D. How long is


  10.People dream of walking in _____ like astronauts one day.

  A. space B. spaces C. a space D. the space

上海419花园   译文:人们梦想有一天能像宇航员那样在太空中行走。

上海419花园   11._____ singer and _____ dancer has accepted the invitation.

  A. A, a B. The, the C. A, the D. The, /

  12. They are learning _____ chemistry, _____ physics, but he likes learning _____ history of China.

  A. /, the, / B. the, /, / C. the, /, / D. /,/ ,the


  13.Electricity is _____ most important energy. I think it is _____ most useful energy in the world.

上海419花园   A. a,the B. the, a C. the, the D. a, a

上海419花园   译文:电力是一种重要的能源。我认为它是世界上最有用的能源。

  答案:1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A





