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上海419花园   成功的职业生涯是建立在强大的人脉基础上的。商界领袖们常常需要用外交的眼光和各种各样的人发展和维持复杂的人际关系。接下来,小编给大家准备了四招建立职场人脉双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


  Successful businesses are built on strong relationships. Business leaders often need to step into the shoes of a diplomat, developing and managing complex relationships with many diverse groups.


  "There is a lot of common ground between diplomacy and business," says Carey Cavanaugh, a professor of diplomacy at the University of Kentucky and a former U.S. ambassador stationed all over the world for over two decades under both the Clinton and Bush administrations. "Entrepreneurs can draw from the diplomatic tool box to be more effective," he says.


上海419花园   Try these tips from a seasoned diplomat's toolbox to help you build solid business relationships that last.


  1. Be honest about what you can reveal.


  Diplomats are known as "people who lie for their countries," and corporations are often seen as equally deceitful. But in both cases, telling the truth is essential for success. Truth builds a solid reputation, It's the key to establishing long-term relationships that you can rely on in a crunch.


  When secrecy is essential, with an upcoming product launch or a private personnel issue, don't compromise honesty. You can keep secrets and still tell the truth, Just be honest about what you can and cannot say.


上海419花园   2. Do your research.

上海419花园   2.做好研究。

  Just as a diplomat would learn about a culture's customs before a visit, learn as much as you can before you try to connect with a customer, peer, or potential partner. Learn what they value, how they behave, what their long-term interests are, and what they need or want.


  Use that knowledge to help you craft your message or product, address specific needs, and show that you understand their values.

上海419花园   利用这些知识来构造你的语言和产品,处理特殊需求,并向他们表明,你了解他们的价值观。

  3. Listen more than you talk.

上海419花园   3.多听少说。

上海419花园   Diplomats and business people have a reputation for being pushy, but the best take time to listen. Half the job is about saying what you want or need, but the other half is listening, It's as important to listen as it is to speak.


  Listening makes the other party feel valued, helps you identify their needs, and allows you to respond more creatively. When you listen, you can often find solutions that evade others, making you more likely to reach your goals.


  4. Don't discount the little guys.

上海419花园   4.不要忽略那些不起眼的人。

  The relationships you're building today, even those that seem inconsequential, are worth attention and care. Relationships that don't seem important now will come back to you later, though you won't know when or how.

上海419花园   你今天所建立的人际关系,即使是那些看起来无关紧要的人,都是值得你关注的。今天看起来不重要的关系有可能在日后会变得很重要,即使你不知道会在何时何处。

上海419花园   A casual acquaintance may be the key to your next innovation, just as a tiny country may be the next major oil source for a diplomat. Build lasting relationships by treating others with integrity and giving your full attention when you're with them.


上海419花园   5. Stay true to your values.

上海419花园   5.坚持你的价值观。

上海419花园   In any negotiation or business decision, choose solutions that fit your values, even if they're not the easiest or cheapest options. When you deviate from [your values], there’s a hard price to pay. It takes a long time to get a reputation back.

上海419花园   在做任何谈判或商业决定时,要选择符合你价值观的解决方案,即使那不是最简单,最便宜的方案。一旦你背弃了你的价值观,你就要付出巨大的代价。你要花很长时间才能把失去的声誉赚回来。

  It's easiest to lose your values when you're getting impatient or growing rapidly, so in those moments, remember what you stand for. The more you act on consistent values, the stronger your business will be in the long run and the more your consumers will trust you.






