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时间: 小洁1242 分享



上海419花园   Your cover letter isn’t supposed to be a re-hash of your resume. The hiring manager has probably already read your resume…why would you make them waste time reading the same thing all over again? That’s not the point of a cover letter, at all.


上海419花园   Instead, it’s an opportunity to show why you’re a great candidate for this job. It should highlight your experience, convey your understanding of the job/company as well as show a little personality. It should be warm and conversational, not formal and robotic.


  Here are some of the basics you can use to showcase why they should hire you and how you can stand out above the other candidates:


  1. Write a custom letter for each job. You can surely use pieces from your letter for several different jobs, but don’t just cut and paste the entire body and send it off. Express that you are truly excited about this particular position and the company.

上海419花园   为每份工作写一封特定的求职信。当然,你可以将求职信中的部分内容用于几个不同的工作,不过,不要只是剪切粘贴整个正文,然后直接发送出去。请表达自己对这个应聘岗位和招聘单位的确很感兴趣。

  2. Use the hiring manager’s name. Don’t ever address it “To Whom it May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam.” Please. That just screams “lazy” and shows you didn’t even try to find the person’s name on LinkedIn or through the company’s website. Call the company if you must, but get the right name, or at least try.

上海419花园   请用上招聘经理的姓名。请不要说“有关人员”,或者“亲爱的先生或者夫人”。这就是“懒惰”的呐喊,这显示你甚至没有尝试在领英(LinkedIn)或者招聘单位网站上找到招聘经理的姓名。如果有必要的话,请给招聘单位打电话,但要知道招聘经理的正确姓名,至少要去试一试。

  3. Use a great opening line. It helps to express your passion for this type of work, or tell a brief story specifically about how you are familiar with the company or some unique/impressive skill you bring to the position. For example, you can explain that your family vacationed at this particular property every year when you were little and how you love/remember something specific about the brand/hotel. Grab his/her attention with something other than “I’m applying for ___________position at your hotel.”


上海419花园   4. Ask yourself some questions to get at the big picture of your experiences and accomplishments. For instance, what would you tell a friend about how you accomplished a particular task or what about you makes you especially good at doing this type of work? Make sure you share how you will help the company, and not focus on how this job would be good for you.


  5. If it makes sense, throw in some numbers to show what impact you’ve had in your former job or in a volunteer leadership position.Did you save money; did you streamline a process or find a better way to accomplish a task? If it’s measurable, be sure to include some facts.


  6. Write in the tone of the company. Take some time to read their social media posts, website, press releases, etc., to get a sense of the tone, language and culture of the company. You want to show that you understand the market they serve and the industry overall.

上海419花园   以招聘单位的语气书写求职信。要花些时间去阅读招聘单位的社交媒体的文章、网站、新闻稿等,了解招聘单位的语气、语言与文化。你要显示出了解对方所服务的市场和整个行业。

上海419花园   7. Keep it short. No one wants to read a multi-page cover letter. It should be about three paragraphs (an intro, the body and the closing) and highlight what makes you a great fit for this job and how you can contribute to the team meeting their goals.

上海419花园   要简短意赅。没人想看一份多页的求职信。求职信,应该包括三段(介绍、正文与结尾),并强调是什么让你非常适合所应聘的这份工作,以及你如何为团队实现目标而做出自己的贡献。

  8. Finish strong. Don’t just say “I look forward to hearing from you.” Instead, emphasize your enthusiasm for the job, or how you’d be a great fit. If applicable, here’s where you state that you’re willing to relocate or are flexible about shifts, etc.


  Whatever you do, do not skip the editing process. That doesn’t mean you ran spell-check and there are no types (although that’s vitally important). You need to put the letter aside for a day or so and then re-read it for clarity and word choice. How does it sound? Are you warm and friendly? Are you being too wordy? Is the grammar correct?


  Then ask yourself, “Does this letter sell me in the best light for this position?” Put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes… does it make you want to meet this person? If not, take another pass at it.









