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时间: 小洁1242 分享


上海419花园   今天小编给大家带来的是英语四级真题翻译,翻译还真的是难倒了我们不少的同学,应该中英翻译的思维是很不一样的,但是没有其他办法了,我们只能不断地去看范文来调整自己的思维方式。接下来就好好看看范文吧。




上海419花园   With the rapid development of the communication network, the number of Chinese smartphone users has increased at a surprising speed in recent years, which has significantly changed the way for many people to read. Nowadays, they often read news and articles on their smartphones instead of from traditional newspapers. The development of hosts of mobile apps enables people to use smartphone read novels and other forms of literature works, thus, the sales of the paper books have been affected. Despite the steady growth of the smartphone reading market, more than half of adults still prefer paper books, a survey shows.


上海419花园   (1)[由于通信网络的快速发展],(中国智能手机用户)数量[近年来][以惊人的速度]增长。这极大地改变了(许多人的阅读)方式。

  解析:这句话考查了定语和状语的翻译方法。由于:due to / because / with+名词或because / as +句子;快速发展:rapid development;通讯网络:communication network;智能手机:smartphone ;以……的速度:at a speed / rate;极大地:greatly / significantly。注意,根据“近年来”可知时态为“现在完成时”

上海419花园   基础版:With the rapid development of the communication network, the number of Chinese smartphone users has increased at a surprising speed in recent years. It has greatly changed the way many people read.

上海419花园   提高版:With the rapid development of the communication network, the number of Chinese smartphone users has increased at a surprising speed in recent years, which has significantly changed the way for many people to read.


上海419花园   解析:文章:articles;传统的:traditional;而不:rather than / instead of

上海419花园   基础版:Nowadays, they often read news and articles on their smartphones instead of buying traditional newspapers.

  提高版:Nowadays, they often read news and articles on their smartphones instead of from traditional newspapers.

上海419花园   (3)(大量移动应用程序的)开发使人们[能用手机]读小说和其他形式的文学作品。因此,(纸质书籍的)销售受到了影响。

  解析:本剧考查“一主多动词”的翻译考点,可选择“用(use)”作谓语,将“读(read)”作目的to read;或者选择“读(read)”作谓语,那么“用”处理成方式“with”。“受到影响”考查被动结构:be affected by;纸质书籍:paper books;移动应用程序:mobile apps;开发:development;形式:form;文学作品:literature works;小说:novels

上海419花园   基础版:The development of a lot of mobile apps makes people read novels and other forms of literature works with smartphone. Therefore, the sales of the paper books have been affected.

  提高版:The development of hosts of mobile apps enables people to use smartphone read novels and other forms of literature works, thus, the sales of the paper books have been affected.


  解析:考查状语的翻译;调查:survey;市场:market;稳步:steadily;超半数:more than half of;成年人:adult

  基础版:But the survey shows that more than half of adults still like to read paper books although the smartphone reading market is increasing steadily.

上海419花园   提高版:Despite the steady growth of the smartphone reading market, more than half of adults still prefer paper books, a survey shows.