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时间: 炳卓21222 分享



  1. Everything from head to toe should be coordinated, Wee bok brand clothing and shoes to do this. Wee bok brand clothing

  2.Luzon ------ more your style! Luzon brand clothing

上海419花园   3. Put on "Janssen", you just like to put on a smile. Jansen garments

上海419花园   4. No matter how you look, "Lands'End" swimsuit always make you satisfied, perfect body shape. Lands'End swimsuit

上海419花园   5. Dancing graceful computer promotional advertising language, to develop Italian pride! Cool! Shuai! Italian modern clothing

上海419花园   6. Elegant chic Leiteng Meng! Reiter Mongolian clothing

上海419花园   7. Not seeking the position of the emperor, but the emperor demeanor! Emperor clothing

上海419花园   8. Silver are fashion, international brand! Silver are brand fashion

  9. Li Ning slogan: everything is possible.

  10. Nike (Nike advertising language: may wish to try.

  11.Adidas advertising slogan: Adidas brand sportswear: traveled the world, I just look at the Adidas

  12. Shanshan suit slogan: Shanshan suits, not too chic

  13. Italian modern clothing slogan: calmly, chic to go! Modern boutique, a new experience, a symbol of status! Cool! Shuai! Italian modern clothing

上海419花园   Luzon ------ more your style! Luzon brand clothing

上海419花园   15. Lan Wei children --- gentle and passionate night, sweet and warm dream. Lan Wei children pajamas

上海419花园   16. Crown Prince's shirt is not unique to the royal family

上海419花园   17. put on gold as license into the arms of the sun, the heart feels self-evident! Golden plate winter remodeling your childhood mother! Fuga brand clothing

上海419花园   18. Giordano clothing slogan: Sui Yi Xia dream! Love is dedication! The color of the world to bring you!

  19. No matter what you look like, the "Lands'End" bathing suit will always make you feel good and your figure is perfect.

  20. Recalling the past, more than a thousand kinds of costume design; look at the present, there are new products are elegant!


  1. Time achievement classics, years of casting eternal Valentino suit

  2. Pierre Cardin into the space - the most unique fashion clothing Pierre Cardin universe

  3. In accordance with the arrow pointing, you will always walk in the forefront.Wrigley shirts

上海419花园   4. The mirror will no longer laugh at you. Wrigley shirts

上海419花园   5. To live a successful life. Diesel clothing

上海419花园   6. I'm close to Calvin. Calvin Klein clothing

上海419花园   7. Men should be hard on their own! Qipai Men

上海419花园   8. boiled wine on the hero, talented people to win the world!

上海419花园   9. more than the confusion, as little as possible, simplicity is not simple! Lee Lang business men

上海419花园   10. not too chic! Shanshan suits

  11. Believe in yourself, believe in a partner!

  12. Men just simple! Edenbo clothing

  13. a solemn, auspicious life. Zhuang Ji suit

上海419花园   14. Goldlion, the world of men. Goldlion clothing

  15. Once the choice of life's love! Tianen Women

上海419花园   16 do women. Sigatu

上海419花园   17. Global quality standards. Manhattan clothing

上海419花园   18. If you like to listen to others to speak, John? Thistle, the name must have let your ears to hear the calluses.

  19. John Stevenson Clothing Company

上海419花园   20. Xiaoxiao sprinkle snow dream Levin, "a year or so" a charisma!

  21. "Eagle" where soaring, you should follow where. Eagle clothing company


  1.When the sun goes down. (Evening dress) Berkeley clothing company

上海419花园   2.Dressed in rosy, is to make his girlfriend; dressed in blue, is to make a boyfriend. Levis jeans

上海419花园   3. Just do it (although do it)! Nike

  Women to men shoes, men teach women to walk. Nike

  5. You can faster than you Nike

上海419花园   6. Every master, every height, every game, must win. Adidas

上海419花园   7. Halfway through life, or Adidas. Adidas

上海419花园   8. Do not take the unusual way! Metersbonwe

上海419花园   9. Casle sportswear is sewn in the stadium. Casle sportswear brand

上海419花园   10. like the second layer of skin. Taiwan characteristics of jeans

上海419花园   11. warm the world! Ordos cashmere sweater

  12. You quietly put on a "general to have", and then quietly go to date it!

  13. Switzerland fur coat only drawback is - will make you have to reluctantly throw away the previously purchased underwear. Swiss fur coat

  14. Unique - just like your fingerprints. Prince Gardner Leather Company...





