
学习啦 > 学习方法 > 各学科学习方法 > 英语学习方法 > 人教版新目标初二下册英语Unit4测试试题及答案


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  Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)


  ( )21. We lost the game ______ everyone played well.

  A. when B. because C. until D. although

  ( )22. If you compare her work ______ his, you’ll find hers is much better.

  A. for B. with C. at D. on

上海419花园   ( )23. There’s no coffee — would you like a cup of tea ______?

上海419花园   A. instead B. neither C. ever D. already

  ( )24. If there’s anything you don’t understand, I’ll be happy to ______.

上海419花园   A. explain B. decide C. train D. copy

  ( )25. It was a long time before I could get back into a car because I was very ______ about driving again after the accident.

  A. excited B. nervous C. tired D. angry

  ( )26. His parents allow him ______ a movie once a week.

  A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched

上海419花园   ( )27. Be nice to him — he is under a lot of ______ these days.

  A. pressure B. independence C. experience D. mind

上海419花园   ( )28. He picked up his book and ______ reading.

  A. forgot B. hated C. continued D. imagined

  ( )29. —Mike found a new job.

上海419花园   —I hope this new job ______ well for him.

上海419花园   A. runs out B. works out C. finds out D. brings out

上海419花园   ( )30. I don’t mind you ______ a dog in the house so long as it’s clean.

上海419花园   A. to push B. pushing C. to keep D. keeping

  ( )31. Last night, he offered ______ me home, but I refused.

上海419花园   A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. to driving

上海419花园   ( )32. Everyone had a different ______ on the subject at the meeting.

  A. opinion B. advice C. decision D. discussion

上海419花园   ( )33. —______ buy a jacket for your brother on his birthday?

  —That’s a good idea.

  A. Why not B. Why C. How about D. How to

上海419花园   ( )34. It’s difficult for a small supermarket to ______ with the big supermarkets.

上海419花园   A. share B. drop C. compete D. provide

  ( )35. —My cousin always takes my things without asking.

  —______, I think.

上海419花园   A. It’s right B. It’s not a big deal

上海419花园   C. It’s dangerous D. It’s not a good idea

  Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


上海419花园   Do you often talk with your parents about your problems? When you talk to them, will they believe what you say, listen to you and 36 you?

  It has 37 to do with both you and your parents. Some parents are easy to talk to, and they are great listeners, 38 some are hard to walk close to. As communication is a two-way street, the 39 you talk can cause different results. So you should follow the advice below.

上海419花园   Be 40 . Tell your parents about what you think, feel, and want as clearly as possible. They will be more helpful if they 41 what you mean and what’s really going on.

  Make your parents believe you. If you’re 42 honest (诚实的), your parents will believe what you say. However, if you hardly tell them the truth, it will be difficult for them to believe you.

  Try not to 43 . If you disagree with your parents, can you see things 44 your parents’ side? If both you and your parents think for each other, you will be able to talk in a 45 way.

  ( )36. A. depend on B. take after C. give up D. agree with

  ( )37. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

上海419花园   ( )38. A. or B. but C. so D. until

上海419花园   ( )39. A. time B. place C. trouble D. way

  ( )40. A. easy B. different C. clear D. loud

上海419花园   ( )41. A. understand B. change C. control D. question

上海419花园   ( )42. A. sometimes B. always C. never D. hardly

上海419花园   ( )43. A. compete B. explain C. compare D. argue

上海419花园   ( )44. A. with B. from C. in D. of

  ( )45. A. normal B. similar C. friendly D. lonely

  Ⅶ. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)


上海419花园   A: Lily, what should I get for Ms. Zhang for the coming Teachers’ Day?

上海419花园   B: Your English teacher? (46)______

  A: Flowers are not special enough.

上海419花园   B: Then you could get her a watch.

  A: (47)______ I do not have enough money for one.

上海419花园   B: I see. How about a pet dog?

上海419花园   A: No, Ms. Zhang is too busy. (48)______

  B: Well, does she like a scarf (围巾)?

  A: No! (49)______ And she never wears it.

  B: OK. You should make her a thank-you card.

上海419花园   A: (50)______ I’m sure she’ll like it.

上海419花园   A. Good idea!

  B. A watch is too expensive.

  C. I think the watch is beautiful.

  D. She doesn’t like it at all.

  E. She has no time to take care of it.

上海419花园   F. Why not send her some flowers?

  G. You don’t need to buy anything for her.

  Ⅷ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


上海419花园   Gail Mirabella works as a dog trainer for a circus (马戏团). She used to train her dogs to do tricks when she was a kid. Finally, her hobby turned into her job. Several days ago, she talked to Time Magazine reporter, Cameron Young, about her love for dogs.

  Reporter: Did you always want to be a dog trainer in a circus?

上海419花园   Mirabella: When I was a little kid, I did my first dog show, a kid’s dog show. And I took first place (名次). From then on, I knew I wanted to work with dogs, but who would know I’d be in a circus?

上海419花园   Reporter: Did you have any dogs growing up?

  Mirabella: Of course. I had a white shepherd dog when I was a little baby. And then when he died, we got two family dogs. When I was 14, I got one on my birthday. He was a big shepherd dog and reminded (使想起) me of the shepherd dog I had when I was a baby.

上海419花园   Reporter: How long does it take to train a dog, one month, half a year or one year?

上海419花园   Mirabella: That depends on the dog. I have thirteen dogs and I let them all play together, but I do a lot of special work with each dog. They know I am their owner because I do all the feeding.

  Reporter: If you weren’t a dog trainer, what would you be?

  Mirabella: A dog. Just joking. I would probably still work with animals.


  ( )51. The underlined word “tricks” in Paragraph 1 means “______” in Chinese.

  A. 动画 B. 装饰 C. 戏法 D. 咨询

上海419花园   ( )52. Mirabella decided to work with dogs after ______.

上海419花园   A. she joined a circus B. one of her dogs died

  C. she had her first dog D. she won a kid’s dog show

  ( )53. Mirabella got a shepherd dog for her 14th birthday. Why might this be a special gift?

上海419花园   A. It reminded her of a dog she had before.

上海419花园   B. She knew she would work for a circus.

  C. She never had a shepherd dog before.

上海419花园   D. She loved dogs.

  ( )54. How many dogs does Mirabella have?

  A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. 15.

上海419花园   ( )55. What job would Mirabella do if she were not a dog trainer?

上海419花园   A. Taking care of animals.

上海419花园   B. Doing tricks in a circus.

  C. Selling all kinds of dogs.

  D. Working for Time Magazine.


上海419花园   My friends and I bought our favorite candies from Mrs. Pratchett’s Store every day on our way to school. My favorites were Sherbet Suckers and Liquorice Bootlaces.

  Thwaites told me I should never eat Liquorice Bootlaces. Thwaites’s father was a doctor. He said that it was made from rats’ (耗子的) blood. The father told his young son a lot about Liquorice Bootlaces after he found that his son ate it. “Every ratcatcher in the country,” said the father, “takes his rats to the Liquorice Bootlace Factory and they pay him for each rat. Many ratcatchers have become rich by selling rats to the factory.”

上海419花园   “Don’t ever eat them,” said the father. “If you eat, you’ll get ratitis.”

  “What is ratitis, Daddy?” asked young Thwaites.

  “It’s a very terrible disease (疾病),” said the father.

  “I see. But what will happen to me if I catch it?” asked young Thwaites.

  “Your teeth will fall out one by one,” answered the father. “And a short tail (尾巴) will grow out of your back. There is no medicine for ratitis. I know. I am a doctor.”

  We all enjoyed Thwaites’s story. We asked him to tell us this wonderful story many times on our walks to and from school. But any of us didn’t stop buying Liquorice Bootlaces except (除……之外) Thwaites.

上海419花园   根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。

  56. What were Sherbet Suckers and Liquorice Bootlaces?


  57. How did many ratcatchers become rich according to the story?


  58. Why did Thwaites’s father tell him the story?


  59. What did the writer think of the story?

上海419花园   _______________________________________

  60. Did Thwaites listen to his father?
