
学习啦 > 学习方法 > 高中学习方法 > 高二学习方法 > 高二英语 > 高二英语必修四必背单词,学好英语的好习惯


时间: 慧良1230 分享




  Module 1

  in the future 将来

  What do you think should be expected in the future?

上海419花园   你认为什么会是在将来可以期待的?

上海419花园   plenty of 大量的 

  You have plenty of time to read.


  think about 考虑 

上海419花园   Think about what we should do tomorrow.

上海419花园   想想我们明天该做些什么。

  instead of 代替 

上海419花园   Instead of abating, the wind is blowing even harder.

上海419花园   风不但没停,反而越刮越大了。

  be able to 能够 

上海419花园   As a politician, he is able to withstand public criticism.


上海419花园   attach to 连接到;附属于 

  A tag was attached to each article.

上海419花园   每件物品上都系上了标签。

上海419花园   have an accident 发生意外;出事故 

  Did you have an accident?


  for a start 开始 

上海419花园   For a start, you may find it impossible to do so.


  on the way out 在路上 

  ony stops them on the way out.


  a few of 一些 

上海419花园   Let me briefly highlight a few of the achievements of the past year.


  be made of 由…制成 

  My,it must be made of copper.

上海419花园   哇,这只苹果准是铜做的吧。

  throw away 扔掉;丢弃 

  He threw away the old sofa.

上海419花园   他把旧沙发扔掉了。

  for sure 确定 

  All of those advantages, for sure.

上海419花园   所有的那些优势,的确。

  Module 2

上海419花园   in no time 立即;马上 

  I shut him up in no time.


  get around 随便走走;传播;绕开 

  You can, however, get around this.


上海419花园   be limited to 有限 

  Each speaker was limited to five minutes.


上海419花园   have a good view of 有一个好的视角 

  get a seat 得到座位 

  We’ll go early,otherwise we may not get a seat.


  under construction 在修建中 

  The reservoir is under construction.


  rush hour 高峰期 

上海419花园   Yet he found the stress from the rush hour commute lingered.

上海419花园   然而,他发现,那从上下班高峰时间的交通压力。

  traffic jam  交通堵塞

  Maybe he in the traffic jam.


上海419花园   get stuck 被困住 

  seem to 看起来像 

  Some people seem to be always lucky.


上海419花园   switch off 关掉 

上海419花园   Don't forget to switch off the gas.

上海419花园   别忘了关煤气。

  turn on 打开 

  Please turn on the radio.


上海419花园   be famous for 因…而出名 

上海419花园   I like Japanese food because it is famous for being fresh.


  a list of 一列;一份 

上海419花园   I made a list of things to take with me.

上海419花园   我列出了一个我要带走的物品的清单。

  what’s more 更重要的是  

  What's more, looking out the window, all appeared normal.


上海419花园   be connected to 和…有联系 

上海419花园   I salute you all today and I am closely connected to you from my heart.


上海419花园   Module 3

上海419花园   shake hands 握手 

  And they do not expect just to shake hands with him.

上海419花园   这些领导人期望的不仅仅是和他握握手。

上海419花园   in the distance 在远处 

上海419花园   In the distance what do you hear?


  body language 肢体语言

  The moment that you would see their body language change.


  on guard 警戒;提防 

  The world is alert and on guard as never before.

上海419花园   世界从没有像现在这样保持警惕和戒备。

  make a deal 达成交易 

上海419花园   Together we decide what is fair and we make a deal.


  hold up 举起 

  She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.

上海419花园   她抬起手擦去了眼角的泪。

  give away 泄露;失去 

  Please don't give my secret away!


上海419花园   shake one’s head摇头 

  take a sip 小喝一口

上海419花园   Module 4

  bring up 教育,培养 

上海419花园   My parents brought me up to respect others.

上海419花园   我父母教育我要尊重他人。

上海419花园   from an early age 从很早的时候开始 

上海419花园   We learn from an early age how to forgive.

上海419花园   我们从很小的时候就开始学习如何原谅。

  as a result of 由于,原因是 

  come to power 掌权 

上海419花园   When did that wise man come to power?


  be attached to 被系/捆在…..上 

  The digest is attached to the message being sent.

上海419花园   附加在要发送的消息上。

上海419花园   at present 目前 

上海419花园   He is at present in Shanghai.

上海419花园   目前他正在上海。

上海419花园   Module 5

上海419花园   at the edge of 在….边缘  

  At the edge of life everything is an occasion for death.


  at least 至少 

  I resolved to visit my grandmother at least once a year.

上海419花园   我决定每年至少要去看望祖母一次。

上海419花园   be heavy with 充满;有大量的 

  Now my heart is heavy with the burden of sense of responsibility.

上海419花园   现在,我心里的责任感比任何时候都沉重。

  get a kick out of 感到愉快

上海419花园   I bet he'd get a kick out of that.

上海419花园   我想他听了一定很高兴。

  go through 通过;完成 

上海419花园   The rain has gone through my overcoat.


上海419花园   know about 了解 

  What do they know about your topic?

上海419花园   关于你的主题他们了解多少?

  go on a trip 去…访问;旅行

上海419花园   I might at least go on a trip to start.

上海419花园   可能我会先旅行一下吧。

上海419花园   Module 6

上海419花园   close to (在时间或空间上)接近 

上海419花园   Do you live in Heaven or even close to it?

上海419花园   你是生活在天堂中或者仅仅在接近它呢?

  be likely to 很可能 

上海419花园   The blockade is likely to last for some time.

上海419花园   封锁可能要持续一段时间。

  due to 由于;因为 

  This is due to extra task switching.


上海419花园   quite something 不寻常的;令人惊讶的 

上海419花园   jump out of 从…..跳出 

上海419花园   Real frogs will, in fact, jump out of the pot — but never mind.


上海419花园   a group of 一群 

上海419花园   A group of zebras started up by a shot.

上海419花园   一声枪响把一群斑马惊得四散奔逃。

  walk along 沿着…..走 

  Walk along Second Avenue and you can see it on the right.

上海419花园   沿着第二大街走,然后你能看到它在右边。

  the beginning of 在….的开头 

上海419花园   It marks the beginning of a new era in human history.
