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上海419花园1.词组:add up add up to add…to…add to

calm… down

have got to

be concerned about/with

walk the dog


go through go ahead go by

上海419花园set down set up set off set out

上海419花园a series of

上海419花园on purpose by accident/chance

in order to so as to in order that so as that

at dusk at dawn at midnight at noon

face to face

no longer not…any longer

settle down

上海419花园suffer from

recover from

get/be tired of

make a list of list


上海419花园get along/on with

fall in love

be grateful to sb.for sth.

上海419花园join in take part in join attend

make sb/sth+宾语补足语

have something/anything/everything/nothing to do with

it’s because…..+原因

上海419花园it’s why….+结果



上海419花园a year and a half

it’s no pleasure+doing sth

上海419花园happen to do sth

上海419花园have trouble with sb(in)doing sth


上海419花园find it+adj.+to do sth

make friends with


it is/was+序数词+that+has done/had done….


Section A (15 marks)

1.—Guess what, we've got our visas for a short?term visit to the UK this summer.

—How nice! You________a different culture then.

A.will be experiencing

B.have experienced

上海419花园C.have been experiencing

上海419花园D.will have experienced

上海419花园2.Some people________playing football while others enjoy________football matches.

上海419花园A.be fond of; watch  B.are fond; watching

C.are fond of; watched D.are fond of; watching

上海419花园3.Harry has been out of work for six months,so he has difficulty________.

A.earning livings B.earning his living

C.to earn livings D.to earn his living

上海419花园4.He has devoted all his time________the disabled(残疾人) in the past years.

A.to help B.to helping

C.help D.helped

上海419花园5.This was the best plan________was based on a number of reporters.

A.where B.what

C.that D.how

上海419花园6.—Hi,Mary,what are you doing these days?

—I am________the examination.

A.preparing for B.preparing

上海419花园C.prepared for D.preparing to

7.—Haven't you realized the use________the used paper?

上海419花园—Yes, already.

上海419花园A.we make of B.which we make

C.for our making D.for us to make

8.The doctor says________may be necessary for me to have an operation.

A.it B.that

C.which D.what

9.As a student of Senior Three, he has very little free time________he can spend developing his own interest.

A.when B.in which

C.at which D.that

上海419花园10.What an enjoyable town it________! But now there are so many factories and so much pollution.

A.used to be B.was used to be

上海419花园C.was used to being D.used to being

上海419花园11.________regular(有规律的) exercise is very important, it's never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.

A.If B.As

C.Though D.Unless

上海419花园12.The way she thought of________money was to sell her hair.

A.got B.getting

C.to get D.get

13.All people,________they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster(灾难).

上海419花园A.though B.whether

上海419花园C.if D.however

14:He is________my English teacher. He is in a way a friend to me.

上海419花园A.no more than B.nothing but

C.not more than D.more than

15.That's the new machine________parts are too small to be seen.

A.that B.which

C.whose D.what

Section B(18 marks)

Mr. and Mrs.King have lived in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. They're__16__to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often__17__the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So there're many young men in their shop. Of course people__18__them and their friends often call on(拜访) them and__19__them. We can always hear their rooms are full of__20__and quarrel.

It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.King were going to have a picnic on the island the next morning. It was a little far from our town. So they had to__21__earlier than usual to catch a six o'clock train. After supper a few friends came to see them while they were cooking some__22__and drinks for the picnic. Mr.King and his wife had to stop to__23__them. They talked a lot and few of them looked at the__24__on the wall. Mr. and Mrs.King were anxious(焦急) but they couldn't tell the visitors about it. The woman thought for a few__25__and had an idea. She said to her husband, “Oh, it's eleven o'clock! You'd better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to__26__!

Mr.King heard this and stood up and said__27__to the visitors and they left soon.

上海419花园16.A.had B.polite

C.cold D.careful

17.A.help B.hurt

C.hit D.watch

上海419花园18.A.know B.understand

C.meet D.like

19.A.play with B.fight with

C.talk with D.catch up with

20.A.cry B.shout

上海419花园C.noise D.laugh

上海419花园21.A.go to work B.get up

C.go to sleep D.open the shop

22.A.clothes B.bags

上海419花园C.books D.food

23.A.get B.receive

上海419花园C.make D.accept

24.A.phone B.photo

C.clock D.picture

25.A.minutes B.days

C.weeks D.months

26.A.go home B.go to bed

C.go shopping D.have a rest

上海419花园27.A.hello B.goodbye

上海419花园C.sorry D.nothing

上海419花园Section C(12 marks)

上海419花园On Oct 14, Li Yantao, 28.________seven?year?old pupil in the first experimental primary school of Weiyang district, Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi Province, was confused when he was told he had to wear a green scarf(绿领巾).

“I don't think the green scarf is as good 29.________the red one, but I would be in trouble with my teacher 30.________I did not wear it.”

The school decided to make children 31.________schoolwork and general behavior were not yet good enough wear green scarves instead 32.________the red scarf of the Chinese Young Pioneers.

上海419花园Parents whose children were given green scarves did not understand the reason behind the school's measure and thought 33.________was wrong to make some pupils wear green scarves.

Many pupils 34.________wore green scarves took them off and put 35.________in their schoolbags after they left the school grounds.

In the end, Chen Hong, the school's principal, had to stop this practice and said sorry to the parents.

上海419花园Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(30 marks)


Study after study shows that regular moderate walking can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of heart disease.

上海419花园In a study,Japanese researchers tested obese men before and after they joined a one?year modest walking plan.All they did was up the number of steps they took during their daily activities,such as walking from the car to the grocery store.The result: Their blood pressure and cholesterol levels improved and the amount of body fat around their abdomen(腹部) —the dangerous kind of fat that leads to higher rates of heart disease—greatly decreased.

上海419花园That's good news,because walking has now become the most popular fitness activity in the United States.Convenient,simple,and gentle on the joints,walking is perhaps the easiest form of exercise to maintain.According to surveys,four out of five women who start a walking program continue to walk,while half of women who attempt other types of aerobic exercise,such as swimming,drop_out during the first few months.

Here are some ways to put more walking into your life.

1.Learn the basics.Before you take your next step outdoors,you need to know how much walking to do,and how often.

上海419花园2.Pick a charity—it could be breast cancer,the American Red Cross,the United Way—and pledge to contribute D|S1 for every mile you walk.You'll take pride in the fact that you are walking for something beyond yourself.

上海419花园3.Walk with a friend.If she's expecting you,you're more likely to get out of bed on cold winter mornings or skip the cafeteria for a lunchtime walk.

4.Walk for entertainment one day a week.Instead of walking around your neighborhood,walk through the zoo,an art museum,or a shopping mall.

36.Which of the following is NOT the character of walking?

上海419花园A.Convenient B.Difficult

上海419花园C.Gentle D.Simple

上海419花园37.The underlined phrase “drop out” probably means


上海419花园A.give up B.take part in

上海419花园C.go in for D.fall behind

上海419花园38.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

上海419花园A.Many women choose walking for exercise because it is cheap.

上海419花园B.You should walk as much as possible for health.

C.Walking with a friend can make you forget hunger.

D.Walking for a charity can make you continue to walk.

上海419花园39.How many women stop walking after they start the walking program?

A.1/5   B.2/5   C.1/2   D.4/5

40.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Walking can make you healthy.

上海419花园B.Walking can make you wealthy.

上海419花园C.The ways to continue walking in daily life.

D.You can make friends through walking.B

Have you ever wondered why birds sing?Maybe you thought that they were just happy.After all,you probably sing or whistle(吹口哨)when you are happy.However,some scientists believe that birds sing out of their territory.

Do you know what a “territory” is? A territory is an area that an animal,usually the male,claims(声称)as its own.Only he and his family are welcome there.No other families of the same species are welcome.Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome.If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you,you might shout.Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.

If so,you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him.A bird does the same thing.But he expects no outsiders almost any time,especially at nesting(筑巢)season.So he is screaming all the time,whether he can see an outsider or not.This screaming is what we call a bird's song,and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.

Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs.

上海419花园You can see that birds have a language of their own.Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.

上海419花园41.Some scientists believe that most of the time birds' singing is actually________.


A.an expression of happiness

B.a way of warning

C.an expression of anger

D.a way of greeting

上海419花园42.What is a bird's “territory”?

A.A place where families of other species are accepted.

B.A place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice.

上海419花园C.An area for which birds fight against each other.

D.An area which a bird considers to be its own.

上海419花园43.Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?

上海419花园A.Because they want to invite more friends.

B.Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away.

C.Because they want to find outsiders around.

上海419花园D.Because their singing helps get rid of their fears.

44.How does the writer explain birds' singing?

A.By comparing birds with human beings.

上海419花园B.By reporting experiment results.

C.By describing birds' daily life.

上海419花园D.By telling a bird's story.

45.Where will you probably find the passage?

上海419花园A.A textbook. B.A newspaper.

C.A science report. D.A guidebook.


Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home?People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cats are worried that they will fight.A recent research has found a new recipe of success.According to the study,if the cat is adopted before the dog,and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats,a year for dogs),it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly.Two?thirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.

However,it wasn't all sweetness and light.There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes,while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes.One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals were just opposite.For example,when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression,while a dog doing the same signals submission.

In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully,researchers observed a surprising behaviour.They are learning how to talk each other's language.It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “Dog”,and dogs can learn how to talk “Cat”.

What's interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence.They can learn how to read each other's body signals,suggesting that the two may have more in common than we previously suspected.Once familiar with each other's presence and body language,cats and dogs can play together,greet each other nose to nose,and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom(梳理)each other.

The significance of the research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets—to people who don't get along,including neighbors,colleagues at work,and even world superpowers.If cats and dogs can learn to get along,surely people have a good chance.

上海419花园46.The underlined word “swimmingly” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.

A.early B.sweetly

上海419花园C.quickly D.smoothly

上海419花园47.Some cats and dogs may fight when________.

上海419花园A.they are cold to each other

B.they look away from each other

C.they misunderstood each other's signals

D.they are introduced at an early age

上海419花园48.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A.They eat and sleep each other.

上海419花园B.They observe each other's behaviors.

C.They learn to speak each other's language.

上海419花园D.They know something from each other's voices.

上海419花园49.It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs________.

上海419花园A.have common interests

上海419花园B.are less different than was thought

C.have a common body language

D.are less intelligent than was expected

50.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?

A.We should learn to live in harmony.

上海419花园B.We should know more about animals.

C.We should live in peace with animals.

D.We should learn more body languages.

Part Ⅲ Writing (45 marks)

Section A(10 marks)

上海419花园While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can't be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.

Try physical activity.

When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.

Take care of yourself.

上海419花园You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you're not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.

上海419花园Make time for yourself.

上海419花园Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don't forget, play can be just as important to you over?all well?being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window?shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.

上海419花园Make a list of the things you need to do.

Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there's so much to do, and not enough time. Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time. Set out to do the most important tasks first. Check off each task as it is completed.

上海419花园Title: How to 51.________

Solution(s) 54.________for feeling stressed 57.________

上海419花园52.________ ●being nervous, angry or upset ●trying activities such as running, walking or playing tennis

take care

of yourself ●easily getting angry

●not sleeping well enough

上海419花园●55.________ ●eating well


●consulting a doctor

make time

for yourself ●no break from daily routine ●relaxing


上海419花园53.________of the things you need to do ●56.________

上海419花园●a feeling of not having enough time ●doing one thing at a time according to the list you have made

●setting out to do the most important task first

●60.________each task

Section B(10 marks)

TV viewers may no longer be able to hear English abbreviations(缩写), like “NBA” (National Basketball Association), from mainland broadcasters.

上海419花园China Central Television (CCTV) and Beijing Television (BTV) confirmed to China Daily on Tuesday that they had received a notice from a related government department, asking them to avoid using certain English abbreviations in Chinese programs.

上海419花园The channels, however, did not reveal exactly how many English abbreviations are listed in the notice.

The notice not only limits the use of English abbreviations in sports news, but also in economic and political news. Abbreviations such as “GDP” (gross domestic product), “WTO” (World Trade Organization) and “CPI” (consumer price index) will also be substituted(代替) with their Chinese pronunciations, it said.

上海419花园The move comes after a growing number of national legislators(立法委员) and political advisors called for preventive measures to preserve(保存) the purity of the Chinese language.

“If we don't pay attention and don't take measures to stop mixing Chinese with English, the Chinese language won't remain pure in a couple of years,” said Huang Youyi, editor?in?chief of the China International Publishing Group and secretary?general of the Translators' Association of China.

The restricted use of English abbreviations on Chinese television programs has provoked a debate among scholars.

“It makes no sense to introduce a regulation to prevent the use of English in the Chinese language in the face of globalization(全球化),” Liu Yaoying, a professor at the Communication University of China, said on Tuesday. “It is cultural conservatism(保守主义).”

“If Western countries can accept some Chinglish words, why can't the Chinese language be mixed with English?”

61.What does the government tell TV stations to do in the notice? (No more than 12 words)


上海419花园62.In what TV programs English abbreviations are limited? (List three of them)


上海419花园63.According to Huang Youyi's opinion, why should we stop using English abbreviations?(No more than 10 words)


64.“Chinglish” in the last sentence means________________________________________________________________________


(No more than 10 words)

Section C(25 marks)








参考词汇:contest比赛 maximum值 participant参赛者








上海419花园1.A 考查时态。句意:“猜猜看, 我们已经得到了今年夏天去英国的短期签证。”“太棒了, 你到时候将会感受到不同的文化。”从语境可知时间为将来,因此考虑选择将来时态,而D项表示将来完成,与语境明显不符,因此答案为A。

上海419花园2.D 句意:有些人喜欢踢足球,而其他人喜欢看足球比赛。be fond of doing sth./enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。

上海419花园3.B 考查短语用法。have difficulty (in) doing sth.是固定短语,意为“做某事有困难”;谋生用earn one's living表示。句意为:哈利已经失业六个月了,因此他谋生有困难。

上海419花园4.B 考查devote one's time to doing sth.句式。句意:他在过去的十年中,所有的时间都用在帮助残疾人身上。

上海419花园5.C 先行词是the plan,且由级修饰,定语从句用that引导。

6.A 句意:“玛丽,你这些天在忙什啊”?“我在准备考试。”从前句可知需用进行时,而为……做准备应用prepare for搭配,因此,答案为A。

7.A make use of“利用”,use提到前面作先行词,make of改为定语从句的形式。we make of the used paper这个定语从句中,省去了关系代词which或者that。句意:——你难道没意识到我们在使用用过的纸吗?——不,我已经意识到了。

上海419花园8.A 考查it作形式主语的用法。句意为:医生说对我说动手术可能是有必要的。此处it为形式主语,而不定式的复合结构为真正的主语。

9.D 考查定语从句。此处选用关系代词that在从句中作及物动词spend的宾语。

10.A 句意:过去它是一个多么令人愉快的小镇啊!但现在有这么多的工厂和污染。根据句意可知A项正确。used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”。be used to do表示“被用来……”;be(get)used to sth.,be used to doing sth.表示“习惯于(做)某事”。

11.C 考查状语从句。If “如果”; As “就如;因为”; Though“尽管”;Unless “除非”。句意:尽管有规律的运动很重要,但是在睡前运动不是一个好主意。由句意可知,这里应选C连接让步状语从句。

上海419花园12.C 不定式作定语;she thought of是定语从句,修饰the way。本题容易受思维定势影响选B,认为是think of后面直接接doing,其实这里需要的是修饰the way的定语,意为“做某事的方法”。

13.B 句意:自从这次灾难以来,所有的人,不管他们是年老的还是年轻的,富有的还是贫穷的,都在尽自己努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人。whether...or...是固定搭配,意为:无论是……还是……,不管是……还是……。

14.D 根据句意此处应该是“不仅仅”,more than正是此意。no more than“仅仅”,nothing but“只不过”,not more than“不超过”,都不合题意。

15.C 定语从句引导词的判断取决于先行词在从句中所作的成分,parts“零件”应从属于machine,故应选择whose,表示“机器的零件”。

【语篇解读】 这是一则委婉地谢绝客人的故事, 这也是我们平时很容易遇到的事。

16.B 根据下文have a lot of friends可以推断他们待人有礼貌(polite)。

17.A 他们帮助穷困的学生。

上海419花园18.D 根据上文得知,别人都很喜欢他们。

上海419花园19.C talk with表示聊天。

上海419花园20.D 他们的家里总是充满了欢笑。

21.B 为了赶早班车他们不得不早起,故选get up。

22.D 他们正在为第二天的野餐准备食物和饮料。

23.B receive sb. 表示接待某人。

24.C 他们聊得很尽兴,以致于忘了时间,也就是忘了看墙上的钟。

上海419花园25.A 这里指很短的时间。

26.A 表示时间已经不早了,客人们肯定着急要回家了。

27.C 丈夫向客人道歉,表示是自己忘了时间,这样客人就不会尴尬了。

上海419花园28.a 29.as 30.if 31.whose 32.of 33.it

34.who 35.them

36.B 细节理解题。由第三段“Convenient,simple,and gentle on the joints,walking is perhaps the easiest form of exercise to maintain.”可知答案。