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上海419花园   对于斑马,从你写的相关英语作文中,能够看出你对它的了解。下面是学习啦小编给大家带来斑马英语写作范文,供大家参阅!


上海419花园   Zebras are members of the horse family. They are grass-eating animals in parts of Africa, most famous for their distinctive striped coats. They have muscular bodies , immense speed and strength. They can use powerful jaws and heavy hooves to attack their enemies when threatened. They also have unusually large ears which give these animals a very good sense of hearing .

上海419花园   汉语翻译:斑马属于马科动物,食草,生存于非洲部分地区。因其身上特有的斑纹而得名。斑马体格健壮,速度惊人,力量巨大。受到威胁时会用它们强健的颚和有力的蹄子对敌人进行攻击。斑马的耳朵尤其大,所以听觉非常敏锐。


  Zebra stripes of beautiful and elegant,is similar between the main mark of recognition

  To adapt to the environment protection,ensuring its survival as an important means of defence.In the open grasslands and deserts,the dark brown with white stripes,in the sun or moon,reflecting each are not identical,plays a vague or dispersed the body contour effect,eyes look,it is difficult to tell apart with the surrounding environment.This is not easy to expose the target protection,on the animal itself is very favorable.

  Zebra stripes can be dispersed and weaken the prairie green fly attention,is a means to prevent their bites,the insect is the spread of sleeping sickness medium.,they often bite horse,antelope and other monochrome animal,but give little threat zebra life.

上海419花园   It is not fully evolved dark horse.

  Some engaged in embryo research experts also pointed out,a zebra is not obviously have some white dotted lines,dots and spots,which shows the zebra is in its evolution of a phase transition.Because of these white dotted with white markings still dot the color" substrate",they have not yet fully formed a whole piece of white.Therefore the zebra is likely to be long,with white stripes of dark horse.

  斑马英语作文:斑马出逃 站马路上伪装"斑马线"

  Drivers in Germany had to take the Highway Code literally when they were forced to stop at azebra crossing.

上海419花园   德国的司机们真正感受了一把交通法规,因为他们遇到了一处“斑马线” 不得不停车。

上海419花园   The animal had escaped from a circus and galloped around the city of Bitburg chased by policeofficers.

上海419花园   在德国比特堡市,一只斑马从马戏团逃出,全城疾驰大逃亡,引来警察们的追捕。

上海419花园   But baffled cops briefly lost the scent of the animal when it disappeared from view.

上海419花园   但在某一瞬间,斑马竟然从警察们的视线中消失了,他们觉得很困惑。

  It took them several seconds to realise that the zebra was right in front of them, camouflagedagainst the white markings on the road.


  The animal then waited patiently until its keeper arrived to take it back to the Big Top.

上海419花园   这只斑马耐心地站在原处,直到自己的主人来了把它带回了马戏团。


上海419花园   Science and technology


上海419花园   Why zebra are striped


上海419花园   Horse sense


  Are zebra stripes just an elaborateinsect repellent?


上海419花园   Imagine what it looks like to a fly


  HOW the zebra got his stripes sounds like the title of one of RudyardKipling's Just So stories.

上海419花园   斑马为什么会长条纹捏这听上去有点像Rudyard Kipling的书《原来如此》里面文章的标题。

  Sadly, it isn't, so the question has, instead,been left to zoologists.

上海419花园   可惜啊,这不是其中的标题,所以这个问题的答案就成了动物学家的任务。

上海419花园   But they, too, have let their imaginations rip. Somehave suggested camouflage.


  Others suggest they are a way to display anindividual's fitness.


  Irregular stripes would let potential mates know thatsomeone was not up to snuff.

上海419花园   不规则的条纹给潜在伴侣传递出不达标的信息。

  One researcher proposed that stripes are to zebrawhat faces are to people,


  allowing them to recognise each other, since everyanimal has a unique stripe-print.

上海419花园   由于每个斑马的条纹都独一无二,可以让同类彼此辨认。

  Another even speculated that predators mightget dizzy watching a herd of stripes gallop by.

上海419花园   还有些人甚至认为捕食者看到一群条纹在面前飞奔会晕头转向。

上海419花园   There is,however, one other idea: that stripes are a sophisticated form of flyrepellent.


上海419花园   It was originally dreamed up in the 1980s, but never proved.


  Now, ateam of investigators led by Gabor Horvath of Eotvos University in Budapestreport in theJournal of Experimental Biology thatthey think they have done so.

  现在,由坐落于Budapest的Eotvos大学的Gabor Horvath带领着一组研究人员在《实验生物学报》上发表了一篇论文认为他们证明了这一想法。

上海419花园   The original suggestion was that stripes repel tsetse flies.


上海419花园   These insectscarry sleeping sickness, which is as much a bane of ungulates as it is of people.

上海419花园   这些小昆虫带有昏睡病,对人类和有蹄类动物同样致害。

上海419花园   But tsetses are not the only dipteran foes of zebra and,

上海419花园   但是舌蝇并非是斑马唯一的长着翅膀的敌人,

上海419花园   since they arerarely found in the meadows of Hungary,

上海419花园   因为舌蝇在匈牙利的草原上并不常见。

  Dr Horvath plumped for studying analmost equally obnoxious alternative: the horsefly.


上海419花园   Horseflies, too, transmit disease.


  They also bite incessantly, thuskeeping grazing beasts from their dinner.


  Indeed, previous research has shownthat fly attacks on horses and cattle reduce their bodyfat and milkproduction.


上海419花园   Such research has also shown something odd:


上海419花园   horseflies attack blackhorses in preference to white ones.


  That fact got Dr Horvath wondering how theywould react to a striped horse—in other words, azebra.


上海419花园   Actual zebra are hard to experiment on.

上海419花园   很难对真实的斑马做实验。

上海419花园   They insist on moving around andswishing their tails.


  The team therefore conducted their study using inanimateobjects.


  Some were painted uniformly dark or uniformly light,

上海419花园   一些实验对象被涂成纯白色或者纯黑色,

  and some hadstripes of various widths.


上海419花园   Some were plastic trays filled with salad oil.


  Some were glue-covered boards. And some wereactual models of zebra.

上海419花园   一些是胶合纸板做的。还有一些是真实的斑马。

上海419花园   They put these objects in a field infested withhorseflies and counted the number of insectsthey trapped.


  Their first discovery was that stripes attracted fewer flies than solid,uniform colours.


上海419花园   As intriguingly, though, they also found that the leastattractive pattern of stripes was preciselythose of the sort of width found onzebra hides.

上海419花园   然而,耐人寻味的是他们还发现吸引力最小的条纹花式正是斑马身上的条纹样式。

上海419花园   Zebra stripes do, therefore, seem to repel horseflies.


  Exactly why is unclear.

上海419花园   至于为什么会这样还是个谜团。

  But Dr Horvath thinks it might be related to a horsefly'sability to see polarised light,


  which imposes a sense of horizontal andvertical on an image.


上海419花园   Horseflies are known to prefer horizontal polarisedlight.


上海419花园   Possibly, the mostly vertical stripes on a zebra confuse the fly's tinybrain and thus stop itseeing the animal.

上海419花园   所以极有可能是斑马身上垂直的条纹迷惑了马蝇的小脑袋,因此阻碍了马蝇发现斑马。

上海419花园   Another obvious question, though, is why other species have not evolvedthis elegant form offly repellent,


  and what the consequences would have beenif they had.

上海419花园   以及如果其他物种也进化成这样的后果。

上海419花园   If humans, for example, were black-and-white striped,

上海419花园   例如,如果人类是黑白条纹的,

  then thehistory of intercommunal violence the species has suffered when different raceshavemet might not have been quite as bad.


上海419花园   One for Kipling to have pondered,perhaps?






