


时间: 慧媛1041 分享



上海419花园   I have a warm home with my dearest mother, my dearest father, and their dearest love, me.

上海419花园   Mother is gentle, serious mother. In my life, my mother cared for me and gave me countless love. Study of the mother is very strict to me, remember once I had finished my homework, my mother saw, was a heavy, said the word I wrote not good-looking, there is a typo, it gave me a tear, let me rewrite it again, although this again have no wrong character, but mom said word write is not good-looking, let me write it again and again I wrote with a grievance tears again again, the mother didn't let I had shut it.

  Dad was a big, humorous, and not very small father. My father is the head of the unit. I go home early every day, and if I go home early, I can get out and play with me. My dad was kind to me, and when my mother was nagging at me, my dad would say, "kids are big, don't worry about your head and your feet." Dad is also funny, remember once when I play with the dog, brought fleas, bite of my whole body itch, father's words, let's laugh, dad said: "Gao Dianyu raises a new pet!".

上海419花园   My family is filled with joy and warmth. I love my mother. I love my father and thank them for giving me a wonderful home.

上海419花园   我有一个温暖的家,家里有我最最亲爱的妈妈,有我最最亲爱的爸爸,还有他们最最亲爱的宝贝——我。





  There are five people in my family. There are grandpa, grandma, father, mother and I.

  Grandpa is an old teacher. He is retired now. Grandpa is retired, but grandpa sometimes

上海419花园   I also wrote a diary, a composition. My grandfather thought that we would make a difference, and often taught us to be useful people.

  Grandma is a farmer, grandma usually hurts me most, knead in my hands afraid I lose, contain in my mouth afraid I to break down.




上海419花园   奶奶是一位农民,奶奶平时最疼我了,捏在手里怕我丢掉,含在嘴里怕我哗掉。


  My hometown is a small village surrounded by mountains and surrounded by sea. Rich and scenic, it is a beautiful and charming summer resort.

  What I like best there is the sea. Every summer, at dusk, the sea is the most beautiful, and I make an appointment with my friends to play and play in the sea. At first the sea was calm, as if asleep; there was no wind and no waves. Still could see the reflection of the reflection on the sea. The sky is blue, the sea is blue, the sky is attached to the sea, the sea is attached to the sky, it is the sky, the sea. The sun was setting, and in the evening light, it was more beautiful, and there was a lot of color in the sea. Suddenly, there was a long, thin white line from the sea that grew thicker and thicker like a flock of white swans. The waves in front of them were too late for the shore, and the waves behind them came up. Lift up a wall of water three meters high, like a flock of horses. The waves lapped on the rocks and mingled with the howls of the sea wind, making a beautiful music. From a distance, there was a looming view of many small black spots on the sea. We can only watch the brave men fighting the fierce sea.

上海419花园   In addition to our feast, we can enjoy ourselves. We have a lot of special seafood in our hometown, such as the fierce, big lobster, which is dressed in hard armor. A giant mastiff, a giant mastiff. A lively fish princess with colorful dresses.

  If I have the chance, I will show you around our hometown.


上海419花园   在那里我最喜欢的是大海。每到夏天,黄昏时的海面是最美丽的,我便与小伙伴们相约,去大海玩耍、嬉水。海面上先是风平浪静的,好像睡着了一样,没有风,也没有浪。静得可以看见海面上倒映着的影子。极目远眺,天是蓝的,海也是蓝的,天连着海,海连着天,让人分不清那儿是天,哪儿是海。夕阳西下,在黄昏的照映下,显得更加美丽了,海面上闪着许多颜色的色彩。忽然,惊涛瀚浪,从海面上出现了一条又细又长的白线,越来越粗,像一群白天鹅展翅飞翔。前面的浪还来不及靠岸,后面的浪就赶了上来。掀起三米多高的水墙,像一群奔腾的骏马。海浪拍打着礁石,与海风的呼啸声融合在一起,发出优美无比的海上音乐。向远处眺望,隐隐约约可以看见许多小黑点在海上游行。我们只能看着那些勇士们跟凶猛的大海拼搏。


上海419花园   如果有机会,我一定带你去参观参观我们家乡别的风景。


1.my home英语作文带翻译



4.my home英语作文60词带翻译

5.my friend英语作文六年级带翻译


家,是每个人值得依靠的地方,在我幼小的时候,妈妈常轻轻地唱着爸爸是船,妈妈是帆。你知道如何写一篇带有翻译的家的英语作文吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的我的家英语作文带翻译六年级,供你参考! 我的家英语作文篇1 I have a warm


  • 我的家英语作文四年级

    上海419花园家,是每个人最早接触的社会。在这里有我们的喜怒哀乐,也有我们的酸甜苦辣。 你想知道四年级的学生怎么写一篇家的英语作文吗?下面是学习啦小编给

  • 我的家四年级英语作文


  • 四年级英语作文我的家简单


  • 有关介绍我的家的英语作文小学
