
学习啦 > 学习方法 > 高中学习方法 > 高二学习方法 > 高二英语 > 高二英语必修五必背单词与记忆口诀


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上海419花园   Module 1

  have in common 有共同点 

上海419花园   What do they have in common?

上海419花园   那他们有什么共同点呢?

  make a difference 有影响;使不同 

  I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but make a difference in it.


上海419花园   differ from 与……不同 

上海419花园   On one point I differ from you.

上海419花园   我在这一点上跟你有分歧。

  have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难 

上海419花园   The patient was perceived to have difficulty in standing and walking.

  据观察所见, 病人站立和行走都有困难.

  lead to 导致 

  This can lead to significant distress, but have no fear!


  Module 2

  in particular 尤其;特别 

上海419花园   This one in particular.

上海419花园   这个人很特别。

上海419花园   come off 掉离;脱离 

  His hair began to come off.


  in theory 理论上;从理论上讲 

  In theory, this problem should not occur, but in reality it does.

上海419花园   从理论上讲,这个问题不应该 发生,但实际它却发生了。

  in practice 实际上 

  So how might we use this in practice?

上海419花园   所以在实践中我们怎么使用它呢?

  take up 从事;占据(时间、空间) 

上海419花园   She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.


  pass by 路过;经过 

  I passed by your house last night at about ten o'clcok.

上海419花园   我昨天晚上大约十点钟的时候经过你家。

上海419花园   take for granted 认为……理所当然

  Don't take for granted what you have.

上海419花园   不要认为你所拥有的是理所当然的。

  Module 3

上海419花园   have no connection 与…..无关

  I told them that I have no connection to what they described.


  run away 逃跑 

上海419花园   The thief had run away when the policemen came.


上海419花园   ahead of 在…..前面;提前 

  He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University.


上海419花园   pour down 倾盆而下

上海419花园   Water poured down the wall from the roof.


  be curious about 对……感到好奇 

  If you are curious about another language, then start learning that too!


  have enough of 听够、看够、吃够、受够 

  I have enough of my own wealth to manage.


  die of fright 惊吓而死 

  He sounds as if he's going to die of fright!


上海419花园   run into 偶然遇到 

  I was about to leave when I ran into Mr White.


上海419花园   in a panic 惊恐的 

上海419花园   Module 4

上海419花园   come to an end 完结 

上海419花园   dress up 装扮;化妆 

  She was dressed up for the Easter parade.


  have fun 玩的愉快 

  They have fun together.


  on end 连续的

上海419花园   But it can be played for hours on end.

上海419花园   但它也能让你连续玩上个几小时。

  date back to 追溯到 

  in secret 秘密的 

  in memory of 为了纪念…..

  She set up an educational fund in memory of her mother.

上海419花园   她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。

  pass on 传递 

  This ring has been passed on in my family from mother to daughter.


上海419花园   Module 5

上海419花园   do athletics 做田径运动 

上海419花园   I used to play football regularly when I was at university. And I used to do athletics in thesummer.

上海419花园   读大学的时候,我经常踢足球。夏天的时候,我常常做田径运动。

上海419花园   as well as (除……之外)又

上海419花园   If they are, it will be our problem as well as theirs.


  make a list of 列……清单 

上海419花园   Make a list of your goal destinations.

上海419花园   写出一个你的人生目标的清单。

上海419花园   be determined to do 下定决心做某事

  If he is determined to do something, nobody can stop him from doing so.


  come onto the market (商品)上市,商品开始出售 

上海419花园   The house has come onto the market now.

上海419花园   这座房子现在已经出售了。

  on the increase 正在增加

  Our demand for this product is on the increase.


  Module 6

  thanks to 由于;幸亏 

  Thanks to all the fans who make this tournament the best in the world .


  according to 根据 

  She bagged a fabulous fortune according to the will.

上海419花园   她根据遗嘱获得了一大笔财产。

上海419花园   give one’s life to 为……献身 

  He himself had determined to give his own life to the same cause.

上海419花园   他已决定将生命献给同一个事业。

  on the spot 在现场 

上海419花园   His glance stayed posited on the spot.


上海419花园   come into fashion 开始流行起来 

上海419花园   Long skirts have come into fashion again .


  get tough with 对……采取强硬措施 

  He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him.


  on condition that 在……条件下 

  I will lend you the book on condition that you return it on Monday.

上海419花园   如果说你能在星期一还我,我可以借给你这本书。

上海419花园   be worth doing 值得做某事 

上海419花园   But it can be done. It is worth doing.

上海419花园   但是,它是可以做到的,也是值得做的。

  in the meanwhile 同时