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Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese folk grand, celebration is various, common activity has the following a variety of forms: dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, peja sweet bursa, calamus, etc.

Today is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. Father and mother get up early and go out and buy a lot of food. I asked dad what the grass was, and dad said, "it's a flag." Father made a sword of calamus and put it on the eyebrow. The mother also adjusted the realgar wine to the wall corner, the chest side spray, say: "can antiseptic prevent disease!"

上海419花园In the middle of the day, my mother cooked a hearty meal. There are chickens, ducks, meat, brown and bread cones, and so on. Mom and dad told me when we eat in the Dragon Boat Festival origin story: in a long time ago there was still the poet named qu yuan after miluo river, they package rice dumplings to commemorate him. I listened to the mystery and ate with relish.

How happy the Dragon Boat Festival is this year!


上海419花园The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional Chinese festival of the Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese custom for more than two thousand years. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the most widely used to commemorate qu yuan. According to legend, qu yuan was a doctor in the state of chu during the warring states period, because the patriotic ideal could not be realized and the miluo river killed himself in the miluo river. To commemorate him, the date of the river was designated as the Dragon Boat Festival.

上海419花园When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, the most common custom is to eat zongzi. Although there are many kinds of zongzi in the store, I like the dumplings in my home. Two days before the Dragon Boat Festival mother will put the zongzi reed leaves to buy back with pure water is good, and then prepare a raw material for package dumplings, glutinous rice, meat, bean paste, jujube, etc. Next zongzi with grandma, grandma always choose LiangSanPian leaves, to the end of the left hand hold the leaves, the right hand with the other side of the three fingers hold leaves gently into a roll, and roll into the shape of a cone, roll go toward inside put prepared the raw material, after finally make zongzi bundle with cotton thread, the corners of a good reed "baby" was born.

上海419花园On this day, people will also plant mugwort and dragon boat RACES. The Dragon Boat Festival is an amazing, joyous and exciting festival.


上海419花园When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone knows it.

The Dragon Boat Festival has many names. For example: the dragon festival, the poetry festival, the rev, etc.

The Dragon Boat Festival has many customs, such as eating zongzi, racing dragon boat, wearing five silk threads, eating "five yellow" and so on.

上海419花园When it comes to zongzi, I love it. There are two kinds of zongzi I have seen. One is bamboo leaves and one is bamboo. Stuffing is varied, have red jujube paste, red bean paste, rice paste, with glutinous rice paste, have rice pudding filling, the filling is sticky, eating in the mouth sweet and fragrant, very delicious! I'm afraid you're watering your mouth!

I heard the parents say that the Dragon Boat Festival also has a story. In the state of chu, it was the fifth day of may, when qu yuan jumped into the miluo river with a stone in his arms. When the local people heard the news, they rowed for a rescue, but they didn't get it for half a day. They were afraid that the fish and shrimp ate qu yuan's body, and they were rowing on the miluo river, throwing zongzi and opening fish and shrimp.

Later, the custom of eating the dragon boat and eating zongzi was extended to this day in memory of the great patriotic man of qu yuan.


上海419花园The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. There have been two thousand years of history. It is said that it commemorates the patriotic poet qu yuan. Why do Chinese people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival?

上海419花园Despite the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival across China, they are all praying for health and disease prevention. On the fifth of may every year, the families of every household should hang the picture of zhong kui, hang mugwort calamus, dragon boat race, eat zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim the disease and other activities. This custom has evolved over two thousand years. People chose the fifth day of may as the reason for the Dragon Boat Festival because qu yuan committed suicide on May 5, 278 BC. The custom of the dragon boat race evolved from the people who were rowing boats to seek liuxue86.com the rescue. Because they did not find the body of qu yuan, they put the rice in the bamboo tube in the water. They thought the fish would not eat qu yuan's body when they were full. Later, the activity became a bamboo tube with rice, which evolved into zongzi. This celebration of qu yuan gradually became a custom; The custom gradually spread across the country.

During the course of the process, the content of the activity increased. As a result, the customs of the south and south are also different.


For the fifth lunar month every year Dragon Boat Festival, also called DuanYangJie 5, afternoon day festival, may festival, festival, ai festival, terminal five, ChongWu, midday, summer festival, was a ward of the plague of the summer holiday.

上海419花园The Dragon Boat Festival day grandpa will give us "five red" burning, lobster, red oil duck eggs, duck, eel, amaranth, the "five red" to "ruling", also can be to ward off bad luck.

上海419花园That's because legend a long time ago, the jade emperor, announced that the poison of heaven to wait for heart ring first just can go to the earth, so people call for insects awaken at that time. But some poison is afraid of cold, so they make about the Dragon Boat Festival weather warm and then go together to harm the world. These five poisons are snakes, spiders, scorpions, centipedes and geckos. They came to the world during liuxue86.com the Dragon Boat Festival, and as soon as they arrived at the door of a family's house, they heard the hostess saying, "eat fast, this is the five poison of frying." The five poisons were shocked, and they were lying on the window, and they saw five bowls of red and red in five POTS on the table. The hostess said as she ate, "these five poisonous dishes are delicious." "Five red dish" look in the eyes of the five poisons are their blood, and five poisons frighten daylights out, quickly ran away from the family, never dare not go. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat five kinds of red colors to scare off the poisonous animals, hoping they won't come into their homes.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the han Chinese people and is listed in the world material and cultural heritage list. It is also the pride of our ancestors.









